The Construction Industry Transformation Map (ITM), under the Built Environment cluster, is one of 23 ITMs identified under a $4.5 billion Industry Transformation Programme mooted by the Future Economy Council (FEC).
Construction Industry Transformation Map (ITM)
It was developed in close partnership with the industry, trade associations and chambers (TACs), institutes of higher learning (IHLs) and unions after extensive consultation.
Through this initiative, we hope to transform the construction sector into one that adopts technologies to make the sector more advanced and integrated. Our aim is to train a total of 80,000 professionals specialising in three key areas identified for this transformation.
The three key areas are:
- Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA);
- Green buildings; and
- Integrated Digital Delivery (IDD)

How can we transform the Built Environment Sector together?
To achieve our vision for the ITM, we have outlined key strategies: (i) increase adoption of DfMA and IDD; (ii) build progressive and collaborative firms; and (iii) support workforce needs and aspirations.
- Increase the adoption of DfMA and IDD by:
- Establishing robust DfMA eco-system to make DfMA price competitive and enable widespread adoption; and
- Developing IDD shared platforms and standards to support the adoption of IDD solutions.
- Build strong and capable firms by:
- Reviewing public procurement practices for:
- Better differentiation of quality;
- Greater transparency; and
- Greater collaboration among firms.
- Support workforce needs and aspirations by:
- Attracting more Singaporeans with jobs of higher skills, more competitive salaries and a better working environment; and
- Building core engineering and skills in transformation areas via structured professional development pathways across Pre-Employment Training (PET), internships and early job training, and Continuing Education and Training (CET).