Written answer by Ministry of National Development on additional balloting chances for unsuccessful first-timer families BTO application in non-matured estates
Feb 4, 2025
Question No: 6492
Question by: Assoc Prof Jamus Jerome Lim
To ask the Minister for National Development in light of the transition to the Standard, Plus and Prime housing classification framework for HDB BTO flats (a) whether the scheme to provide additional ballot chances to first-timer families with two or more previous unsuccessful BTO applications in non-mature estates is still in place; and (b) what is the success rate for such applicants at their third application.
First-timer (FT) families get priority allocation under the new flat classification framework. HDB sets aside the majority of the BTO flat supply for them, and additionally accords them priority through various schemes. For example, First-Timer (Parents and Married Couples), or FT(PMC)s, get first priority under the Family and Parenthood Priority Scheme (FPPS), when they apply for a 4-room and smaller Standard BTO flat. Since the scheme was launched in October 2023, about 9 in 10 or 90% of FT(PMC)s, who applied for a 4-room and smaller flat in non-mature estates (NMEs) were invited to book a flat.
Under the new flat classification framework, all FT families who have been unsuccessful in two or more BTO attempts for a Standard flat will receive one additional ballot chance for each subsequent application they make for a Standard flat. FT(PMC) applicants may accumulate up to five ballot chances while other first-timer applicants may accumulate up to four ballot chances. The old NME framework and the new flat classification framework are inherently different. Hence, additional ballots from the old NME framework have not been ported over to the new flat classification framework. However, FT families applying under the new framework will continue to enjoy the benefit of the priority measures described above.
As HDB has only conducted one BTO exercise under the new flat classification framework, data is not yet available on the success rate of Standard flat applicants at their second or third application.